TM Educational Services, Inc.

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And then they grow up…

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
-ee cummings

I have a student that is a graduating senior this year. It’s always such a joy of mine to see students “become” young adults. In our most recent session, aside from my normal sentimental pride, I also felt an immense sadness when he told me he would be moving away for school - to the other side of the country, in fact. I’m so proud of his work, and super proud that he has made this incredible decision and prepared so well for it. I am also overwhelmed with emotion because I’ve spent his entire high school experience, right beside him. Figuring out how to maneuver, how to plan, best execute, build study skills, communicate with teachers, advocate for himself, and even complete application essays. It wasn’t easy, but seeing where he is now, I realized he’s accomplished what I always tell my students their goal should be: to fire Tia. I want them to celebrate the day they don’t need me anymore. I will still be there for support when he calls or texts me, but he’s getting ready to prove he’s ready to mange it all independently, and I couldn’t be more proud.

It’s been a journey for him, but also for his team, and I’m grateful to have been a part of it. 

So, I call this my version of senioritis. It’s a sweet moment for sure.