TM Educational Services, Inc.

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Take A Break!

Life is hard. Most adults would agree with that statement. Life is complex, and joys and sorrows come in ebbs and flows. Somehow we’re able to find our own way of compartmentalizing, and surviving the daily stressors. Why? Well, maybe because we understand those moments are crucial to the development of our life story. Or, more likely, because we don’t have a choice! Isn’t that just it? If I could choose no stress - ever - wouldn’t I? But that is not the reality of our complex existence.

I’ve had decades to come to grips with that truth. You know who hasn’t had enough “life” to learn, let alone apply, such a lesson? KIDS! My 6, 9, and 11 year old students that are struggling to process all that’s happening right now, have no idea how to balance their nervousness, fear, anxiety, adaptation, or even any fleeting excitement. That confusion presents in various behaviors that seem so unlike your child. Trust me, you are not alone.

Trying to help my students settle in to this new normal, I knew, was more than managing school at home. Then I stumbled on this fantastic Ted Talk from Kira Willey and wanted to share it with you. Sometimes, we manage chaos just a couple of moments at a time. These “bite-sized” mindful minute recommendations may be the difference between tears, and smiles, throughout each day.

Wouldn’t that be worth taking a break?

Watch the video below, and let me know what you think.

Happy breathing!
